티스토리 뷰

Today we are going to prove the following equality.
Problem. Show that
Proof. Let denote this integral hereafter.

To achieve this, we first observe by double-angle formula that
Here, we used the transformation for each step. Then by symmetry, this is written as
Then by the identity
we have
Then we make change of variable to obtain
where denote the counterclockwised unit circle centered at the origin. Now let denote the innermost integrand of the above equality. To apply Cauchy integration formula, we have to find the pole inside the circle . So let and denote
respectively. Note that and are zeros of quadratic polynomials
and ,
respectively, so that
Now for , only and are contained in the interior of the disk bounded by . Thus by Cauchy integration formula, we have
To evaluate the integral in the right hand side, we note that
for , hence by analytic continuation, also for and . Then
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